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What to Expect

What Parents and Carers can expect

At Sherwood we have a ‘management team’ The manager and 2 Deputy Managers. A member of the management team will always be on site for parents or carers to speak to at any time during the day. If the manager is not available and you only want to speak to her, please speak to the deputy manager or a member of staff and they will make an appointment for you.  

Parents and staff have a responsibility to share information as they arrive and leave the preschool, with particular reference to any specific information relating to the child, also discussing any key event information and incident/accident which has occurred during the day.

Parents will know who their child’s key person is and the rest of the preschool team who work with their child. However parents may not see the child’s key person every time, but a significant other will be able to feedback on their day. 

Staff will be conscientious, about how, where and when they discuss issues about a child, if necessary we will take the parent out of the play area, e.g. to the ‘office or well-being room’  if the content of the conversation is private, or better discussed out of the child’s way. 

Further ways in which we will communicate with and involve parents

  • Telephone communication
  • Face-to-face conversations
  • Emails to individuals
  • Class Dojo  – an electronic system used to communicate with all parents who have access 
  • Annual Parent Questionnaire/Survey
  • Letters
  • Parent / Child Review Meetings
  • Posters and notice board in our front porch

Key Person

Your child’s key person will develop secure attachments with your child and strong, professional partnerships with yourself, the parents will support all aspects of nursery life, including settling in and transition times. We recognise every child’s efforts and achievements and believe that relationships between adults and children are crucial for the child’s happiness and security.

The key person approach gives every child the reassurance to feel secure and cared for, helping them to become familiar with the nursery environment and to feel confident and safe within it.

The Key Person will offer security, reassurance, and continuity, and they will usually be the ones to change and soothe your child. If your child’s key person is on leave or absent, we have practitioners who regularly interact with the children to cover on a buddy system. The covered key person will know your child and take care of their needs.

Other Information

We ask all parents/carers to bring in a named bag with a change of clothes for their child. 

Nappies and wipes if your child is not trained 

A piece of fruit each week for the children to share it snack time

A box of tissues once a month. 

A named bottle of water for your child. ( no juice or fizzy drinks) 

Wellie boots for the winter months 

No open-toe shoes.